Wednesday, December 22, 2010 ★ 6:59 PM │
Sometimes I don't understand what my life is telling me. Ya, sometimes la. Chaos and life. Tak dapat lari lagi. The point is what we learn about it. And sometimes people couldn't accept me for who I am. Sometimes, aku fikir, depends on them la. They do not have any rights at all in our life. So my decision, buat endah tak endah acuh tak acuh je. And kadang-kadang rasa macam nak jerit dekaat telinga diorang, "Jangan kesahkan hidup aku boleh tak!? Step away from me!" Huh. But it wouldn't happened.
And dalam ketidakpedulian (broken Malay, sorry) peoples all around me, never expect, they're asking, "How's your love?" And blablabla. Sampai aku dah naik MENYAMPAH to answer all that kind of questions. People say, its better to start a relationship with the man who love you more, than with the man you love. Is it true? For me, NO, it's just like MYTH. Bodoh.
I start this relationship, because he loves me more (that's what he said), but now, when I love him with all my heart, he SUDDENLY left me? Why this happen when you think, he is the right guy for you? It's hurt A LOT. It's a pain that I have to go through, I’ve been lifeless because of what you did to me. Don’t you even have a heart? Don’t gives hopes, if you don’t sure about it.
"Saya bukan terbaik untuk awak." Hey! My life is MY LIFE. And I absolutely know what's the best for me. Jangan ajar aku, your opinion isn't needed. Benda lain boleh kau nak bagi nasihat, but my own LIFE, let me make my OWN decisions la. And nanti, my OWN responsibility of all that I did. If you don't love me anymore so just face me up and say to me "I don't love you anymore." Easy. Isn't it? Continue dengan sikap kau macam tu, it exactly show your COWARDNESS. Pengecut.
Pains of love can be sweeter far than any other pleasures are. Experience is the best teacher. So, belajarlah. (nasihat untuk diri sendiri)
Words of cheating; When I'm not near the girl I love, I love the girl I am near. Dumbo.
I am not an animal. I am not a product of what has happened to me in my past. I have a power of choice to create my own life.