Dream High
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Sunday, October 23, 2011 ★ 9:42 AM │ (0) angels
" Sayang tau kan Manja tak boleh mengandung? " 
" Aku sanggup buat apa saja untuk dia! " :"(

Okay, sambil bace entry ni hayun-hayun kan la tangan tu untuk dengar lagu nih ye!

Tajuk Die: Kasih
Penyanyi: Aku tanak amik tau.

Tajuk movie ni bukan maen brutal lagik, kan, nyah? Tapi ade part-part sensitip tip tip y' buat aku touching.
~.~ Derr. Tak caye jerk aku y' ala-ala miss world brutal ni,
tacing d'ngan cerita-rekaan-sebegini.
Eleh, buat malu.

OK dah, sambung... Aku suke sangat sangat taik ayam ngan character.. Ape tuh,
urm.... Yana Samsudin? Ker? Lantak lah. Dalam citer ni, as Manja.
Alelelele.. Asal tak cantek ngat name? Ehe.. Buat aku shed tears je.. Tsk.. tsk..
A wife y' sangat LOVE husband dia, (memanglah, bini mane y' tak sayang, 
sayang tak, sayang ke tak laki die kan?)

Nevertheless, most wives lebih suke ego cam laki dorang bile timbul bab-bab sensitif SANGAT
such bg husband dorang kawin laen. Pergghhh bai. kalau akulah, akulah kan, bukan korang,
Giler ape?? 

For the very first time aku rase, Yana Abdullah success dalam bawak watak melankolik
cengginih. Biasenye tengok dia kat drama/movie lain, macam sama je an.. 

But I hope Yana will be given another chance to hold this kind of character in other movie, b'cos she did well!

Pieces Of Me
meet the big beauty boss

I am NurulAin and this is my blog, it's mine. In this very little space from the World Wide Web, this could be the only place where in i can have my freedom to express myself, rant whenever i wanted to, post non-sense shit, type asdfghjkl until i get tired like an idiot. I mean, who the hell in the world, uhmm (except me) would do that effin thing? of course no one. EXCEPT ME.Alright, you've got it. I really am an idiot. okay? and you've got any problems with that? kiss my fist. Actually i'm just sixTEEN and i don't act like what normal teen girls do. I'm weird and i like crazy things. I like the smell of an old book, I yawn and don't close my mouth even if i'm in a public place.. and i blah blah, i blah too.. enough. bye byee! You may click links and contact to befriend with me.Thanks !
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the great escapes to a beautiful land

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Layout (c) sweet.m!sery
Re-edited by nurul ain
Icons from reviviscent
Resources: sea shells
Sunday, October 23, 2011 ★ 9:42 AM │ (0) angels
" Sayang tau kan Manja tak boleh mengandung? " 
" Aku sanggup buat apa saja untuk dia! " :"(

Okay, sambil bace entry ni hayun-hayun kan la tangan tu untuk dengar lagu nih ye!

Tajuk Die: Kasih
Penyanyi: Aku tanak amik tau.

Tajuk movie ni bukan maen brutal lagik, kan, nyah? Tapi ade part-part sensitip tip tip y' buat aku touching.
~.~ Derr. Tak caye jerk aku y' ala-ala miss world brutal ni,
tacing d'ngan cerita-rekaan-sebegini.
Eleh, buat malu.

OK dah, sambung... Aku suke sangat sangat taik ayam ngan character.. Ape tuh,
urm.... Yana Samsudin? Ker? Lantak lah. Dalam citer ni, as Manja.
Alelelele.. Asal tak cantek ngat name? Ehe.. Buat aku shed tears je.. Tsk.. tsk..
A wife y' sangat LOVE husband dia, (memanglah, bini mane y' tak sayang, 
sayang tak, sayang ke tak laki die kan?)

Nevertheless, most wives lebih suke ego cam laki dorang bile timbul bab-bab sensitif SANGAT
such bg husband dorang kawin laen. Pergghhh bai. kalau akulah, akulah kan, bukan korang,
Giler ape?? 

For the very first time aku rase, Yana Abdullah success dalam bawak watak melankolik
cengginih. Biasenye tengok dia kat drama/movie lain, macam sama je an.. 

But I hope Yana will be given another chance to hold this kind of character in other movie, b'cos she did well!
